Image Courtesy of SPED Strategies and
The most important characteristics of exceptional learners are their abilities, not their disabilities.”
-Daniel P Hallahan, PhD
The purpose of my site is to explore
the following
9 federal categories of
educational exceptionality:
What is Intellectual Disability?
Intellectual Disability describes "significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period, that adversely affects a child's educational performance" (Gargiulo & Bouck, 2018, p. 591).
Difficulty understanding social rules
Difficulty understanding the consequences of their actions
Difficulty with communication due to speech or language impairments
Certain conditions that cause Intellectual Disability are correlated with friendliness and positive outlook:
Down's Syndrome
Williams Syndrome
Willi-Prader Syndrome
Difficulty understanding abstract ideas
Impaired reasoning and problem-solving abilities
Difficulty learning from experience
Difficulty understanding cause and effect
Slow processing speed
Delayed or impaired physical development
Deficits in fine and gross motor skills
Poor prioperception
May have socially inappropriate facial expressions or verbalizations in response to stimuli
Disability may affect physical characteristics if caused by a congenital syndrome
Disability may be causes by a disorder that impairs motor function, resulting in difficulty controlling facial muscles
IQ score below 70
Significant deficits in functional and adaptive skills
High incidence of co-morbid disabilities
Levels of Severity
People with Intellectual Disability (ID), can have mild, moderate, severe, or profound ID.
The greatest percentage of people with ID are diagnosed with a mild form. Mild ID presents in slower cognitive functioning, but they are able to learn strategies to help them adapt to daily life with minimal supports.
People with Moderate ID can learn functional strategies, but need moderate support.
People with severe ID have significant developmental delays and difficulty communicating. Due to their level of disability, people with sever ID need supervision and home care.
People with profound ID have severe congenital syndromes that impair communication, physical and cognitive functioning. These individuals must live in a setting that provides constant supervision and help with basic self-care.
It is estimated that 6% of K-12 students who qualify for services have an Intellectual Disability (ID).
50% of students with ID spend 40% or less of their school day in a mainstream classroom.
Students with ID learn best when information is broken down into small segments.
Reteaching items frequently, and using varied educational strategies, can help those with ID retain information.
Student Questions
Grades K-4:
Will I make friends?
What are the rules in class?
Will people be nice to me?
Will someone help me find the bathroom?
Grades 5-8:
Will I be in a class with my friends?
Can you help me relearn this?
Why do I have to go to a pull-out class?
Grades 9-12:
Can I retake this test?
Will I be able to join the class on a field trip?
Who can I talk to if I’m feeling anxious?
Parent Questions
Who do I talk to about getting an Individualized Education Plan for my child?
Are there transitional supports for after high school?
How do I get my child screened for ID?
What therapies are available in school for my child?
Are there work programs in the community for my child when they are done with high school?
Who do I go to if i have concerns about my child's interactions with their peers?
Teacher Questions
Where do I get additional training for working with students with ID?
What assistive technology do I have available to help me differentiate instruction for students with ID?
What are the most common co-morbid issues for students with ID?
What administrative and additional support do I have to help me support my students with ID?
What transitional resources can I give to parents for their child with ID?
How can I model tolerance and inclusion in my classroom?