Once upon a time (1898, phone number list to be exact) at an advertising agency in Philadelphia, an advertising man with an impressive mustache named Elias St. Elmo Lewis pioneered the modern marketing funnel. The phone number list concept itself was quite simple: to make a sale, you first need to capture the customer's attention, then their interest, and finally their desire. It would come to be known as the AIDA funnel, and over the phone number list next hundred years or so it evolved into the backbone of virtually every organization's sales strategy.
What if - and bear with me here - not only did we get it wrong, but we looked at the whole phone number list marketing process backwards ? This is precisely the phone number list central thesis behind the growing popularity of account-based marketing (ABM) among B2B companies, and 92% of B2B marketers consider ABM to be “extremely” or “very” important phone number list to their efforts. marketing.
But what exactly is ABM ? Does it even work? And what does this mean for your business?
These are just a few of the phone number list questions we'll answer in our account-based marketing mega guide.
When you take a look at the phone number list traditional marketing funnel, the key to winning sales is obvious. In order to generate as much revenue as possible, the goal is to fill your funnel with as many new leads and prospects as possible. Account-based marketing (ABM) is all about reversing that funnel. Instead of treating marketing and sales phone number list as a numbers game and casting as wide a network as possible, the goal is to focus on a small handful of prospects and tailor your phone number list marketing to the individual.
It's easy to delve into impressive stats, like the phone number list fact that 97% of marketers say ABM produces a higher ROI compared to other phone number list marketing strategies. Or that organizations using ABM generate up to 27% more sales revenue, have a 42% higher conversion rate, and produce up to 36% more overall profit: It's important phone number list to remember that not every business is equipped to handle an ABM marketing approach. Here are the five questions to consider when deciding if ABM is right for you.